Advanced Student Acupuncture Clinic

Notice to Clinic Patients:

The CSTCM Campus and Clinic is open by appointment only.
Please use the BOOK NOW button below to schedule your visit.

If you are having difficulty finding or booking an appointment or have questions regarding our online appointment booking system, then please call the CSTCM Clinic Service Coordinator’s Office at (303) 996-8974 and leave a message. They will return your phone call in 24 hours, Monday through Thursdays. If you call on Friday or the weekend, then they will return your call on the following Monday.

Advanced Student Acupuncture Clinic

Our advanced student practitioners are fully supervised by expert faculty from leading U.S. and mainland China universities.

Picture of students in the Advanced Student Acupuncture Clinic.
Advanced Student Acupuncture Clinic

$30 fee, credit card only – 1 hour with acupuncture group or 1.5 hours with herbal consult/acupuncture group.

  • Tuesday:  3:30pm – 9:30pm
  • Wednesday:  9:00am – 3:00pm
  • Thursday: IM Clinic 1pm-7pm
  • Friday: 1:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Saturday:  1:00pm – 7:00pm

The Internal Medicine Herbal Clinic is back on Thursdays! For booking on Thursdays in the Internal Medicine Herbal Clinic, please call 303) 996-8974 and leave a message if no one is able to pick up the phone. Messages will be returned within 24 hours.

Gift Certificates are available.

New Patients need to arrive approximately 15-20 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete any paperwork needed.

If you are experiencing signs or symptoms of a cold or flu, please consider staying home to prevent the spread of illness. If you have symptoms you will be asked to wear a mask. If you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, you will have to reschedule.

Picture of two student practitioners treating a patient in the student acpuncture clinic.

Picture of two student practitioners talking to a patient in the student acpuncture clinic.

Pulse readings and tongue readings are diagnostic tools in traditional Chinese medicine.

Picture of two student practitioners treating a patient in the student acpuncture clinic with a Clinic Supervisor.

Picture of a student applying cupping techniques to a patient in the student acupuncture clinic.

Picture of a patient's legs while they receive electrical stimulation.

Picture of a student practitioner treating a patient in the student acupuncture clinic.

Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua Sha, and E-Stim are just a few of the modalities of TCM that student practitioners incorporate into treatment therapies.

Patient Testimonial Video

Make An Impact!

CSTCM’s Sweet Dreams Fundraiser on Crowdrise